The Pilgrims of the United States
The Right Revd Henry C Potter,
1835-1908, President of the Pilgrims
of the United States 1903-07.
The Pilgrims of the United States came into being at a meeting at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York on 13 January 1903. The Pilgrims of Great Britain and the Pilgrims of the United States have reciprocal membership. By tradition the Pilgrims join together in a single toast His/Her Majesty the King/Queen and the President of the United States. The first speech on British soil by a new American Ambassador to the United Kingdom is to the Pilgrims of Great Britain and the first speech by a new British Ambassador to the United States is to the Pilgrims of the United States.
Mission Statement
Founded in 1903, The Pilgrims of the United States, an association of men and women, in alliance with the Pilgrims of Great Britain, seeks to foster fellowship between Americans, the British and other English-speaking peoples. In addressing current national and international issues, it emphasizes enduring historic, cultural, economic and social bonds.